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Twilio Gets an A+ in VoIP Excellence

Twilio Gets an A+ in VoIP Excellence

Posted in Telephony / VoIP by Jay Simons
Published on February 13, 2022

Twilio Gets an A+ in VoIP Excellence

Why We Love It!

Twilio is unique among other VoIP providers. That's because they're not just a VoIP provider; They're a VoIP platform. With Twilio, you can simply buy a phone number (for a mere $1/month) and forward it to your cell phone, or you can write your own functions in Javascript right on their web app.

Don't know code? No problem! You can use Twilio Studio, again, right on their app, to design a dialplan by dragging and dropping functions onto a flowchart-like diagram. See below:

Twilio Studio
Twilio Studio

Does all of this seem over your head? Well, that's ok. Here at Designly, we can help your business grow by setting you up with Twilio. The great thing about it is that you can start out small, for just a few bucks a month, and then expand--expand, expand, expand.

If you want to mess around, they offer a 14 day trial, no credit card needed. They give you a live phone number and a few bucks to play around with. It's really good business on their part, and we are proud to be their partner in excellence. Head over there and give 'em a try!

Link: Go To Twilio

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