Designly Blog


Create a Telephone IVR Using ChatGPT, NextJS and Twilio
2 years ago
Telephony / VoIP

Create a Telephone IVR Using ChatGPT, NextJS and Twilio

By using Twilio to build your IVR, ChatGPT as the AI backend, and NextJS for the middleware, you can get an AI-powered IVR set up in less than 20 minutes. And I'm going to show you how.

Send SMS Text Notifications Via Twilio API On the Cheap
2 years ago
Cloud Computing

Send SMS Text Notifications Via Twilio API On the Cheap

Learn how you can send SMS text notifications to your customer via Twilio's easy-to-use API--on the cheap!

Twilio Gets an A+ in VoIP Excellence
3 years ago
Telephony / VoIP

Twilio Gets an A+ in VoIP Excellence

Twilio is a highly-extensible VoIP provider with a plethora of tools and services. And it's super cheap!