Designly Blog


Medium-Uploader - I Added Support For Uploading to
2 years ago
Cloud Computing

Medium-Uploader - I Added Support For Uploading to

I've added support for uploading to on Medium-Uploader.

How to Create a Blog Using Next.js and Contentful CMS
2 years ago
Website Design

How to Create a Blog Using Next.js and Contentful CMS

Learn how to create your own completely-free cloud-hosted blog using Contentful, Vercel and Next.JS.

React / Contentful - Create Entries with Linked Objects
2 years ago
Cloud Computing

React / Contentful - Create Entries with Linked Objects

Contentful is my new favorite headless CMS. I use it primarily for generating React / Next.JS static pages. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to programmatically create a Contentful entry with linked objects (references).

Medium Uploader: A Contentful Integration App
2 years ago
Cloud Computing

Medium Uploader: A Contentful Integration App

I Created a Contentful App to Automate Uploading Blog Posts to Medium.