Designly Blog

#Front End

How to Create a Scroll Progress Bar in Next.js/React
2 months ago
Front End Development

How to Create a Scroll Progress Bar in Next.js/React

Enhance UX with a simple scroll progress bar for smooth, responsive navigation—minimal code, no dependencies.

Create a Powerful Password Meter with Cloudflare Workers & Next.js
3 months ago
Front End Development

Create a Powerful Password Meter with Cloudflare Workers & Next.js

Build a powerful password meter with Cloudflare Workers, Next.js, and zxcvbn.

React: Simple Yet Elegant Toast Notifications
3 months ago
Front End Development

React: Simple Yet Elegant Toast Notifications

Build lightweight, custom toaster notifications in React using the Context API—no dependencies needed!

Please Stop Committing UX Suicide for Sake of Revenue
10 months ago
Front End Development

Please Stop Committing UX Suicide for Sake of Revenue

Discover how to balance user experience with ad revenue using privacy-friendly strategies that keep both users engaged and advertisers happy.

Create an Emoji Selector for Next.js Forms using Tailwind + DaisyUI
1 year ago
Front End Development

Create an Emoji Selector for Next.js Forms using Tailwind + DaisyUI

In this blog post, we're diving deep into the cosmos of code to guide you on creating an emoji selector for your Next.js forms that's both functional and fabulous.

Creating an "Install to Home Screen" Prompt in a Next.js Progressive Web App
1 year ago
Front End Development

Creating an "Install to Home Screen" Prompt in a Next.js Progressive Web App

Step-by-step guide to creating an 'Add to Home Screen' prompt for Next.js PWAs, targeting major mobile browsers to enhance user experience.

Animating the Web: Route Transitions in Next.js with Framer Motion
1 year ago
Front End Development

Animating the Web: Route Transitions in Next.js with Framer Motion

This article aims to be your comprehensive guide on how to enhance your Next.js applications with smooth, compelling route transitions using Framer Motion.

Easy Dropdown Menus With Next.js and Tailwind CSS
1 year ago
Front End Development

Easy Dropdown Menus With Next.js and Tailwind CSS

In this article, I'm going to show you how to create a very simple, yet elegant, dropdown menu using nothing but Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

Building a Universal Form Controller Using Next.js & Yup
1 year ago
Full-Stack Development

Building a Universal Form Controller Using Next.js & Yup

Learn how you can create your own reusable universal form controller to use across your Next.js app.

Create a Star Wars-Like Crawl Using CSS & JavaScript
1 year ago
Website Design

Create a Star Wars-Like Crawl Using CSS & JavaScript

If you're a geek like me, then you're defininely going to want to check out this article. I'll show you how to create a Star Wars-like crawl background for your website using only JavaScript and CSS.

How I Learned to Shut Up and Love Tailwind CSS
1 year ago
Website Design

How I Learned to Shut Up and Love Tailwind CSS

It took me a while, but I'm finally fully on the Tailwind CSS bandwagon. In this article, I'll explain why and how I got there.